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END OF SEASON SALE - 20-70% off

END OF SEASON SALE - 20-70% off

END OF SEASON SALE - 20-70% off

END OF SEASON SALE - 20-70% off

END OF SEASON SALE - 20-70% off


When we launched Craft Circle, our initiative for sustainability, we knew that the finish line would always be out of reach. But we also knew that the most worthwhile journeys are the ones without end.

In 2022, we’ve worked hard to push our entire operation, from design to delivery and beyond, in a more sustainable direction. To see how far we’ve come, download our Circular Progress Report for 2022 and discover where we’re headed next to achieve our goal of reducing our total carbon emissions with 50% by 2030.

Connecting the dots from design to delivery.

Our products are meant to inspire athletes to keep going, no matter the season. So to us, a more sustainable garment is one that is tirelessly functional day after day, year after year. But no matter how long a Craft product stays in use, the start of its lifecycle still represents an unwanted environmental impact. Here’s how we all pull together to actively reduce it.


Our apparel is designed to go the distance. Starting from 2023, we’ll work to introduce circular models that further extend their lifecycles. Like letting our customers hire the functionality they need when they need it, or pay their trusty training companions forward when it’s time to elevate their game.

Sustainability is a team sport.

Our sustainability initiative is connected to four of the Global Goals in UN’s Agenda 2030, chosen for their relevance to our business and our chance to make a contribution towards them. They guide how we design, produce and distribute our garments, how we extend their lifecycle through circular options for renting, selling and buying and how we collaborate with partners and organizations for a more sustainable tomorrow. As a company, they have inspired us to set our own ambitious goals for the future. By 2030, our goal is to reduce our total carbon emissions by 50% compared to the base year 2021. By the same year, our goal is that 20% of our products will be offered through circular programs. To help us reach our goals, a dedicated sustainability manager will oversee processes and report on our progress from 2022 onwards.

UN Global Goals

Sustainability is a team sport


Moving forward means taking action. By 2030, our goal is to reduce carbon emissions from our total operations by 50% from the base year of 2021. To reach it, we are focusing on decreasing emissions emanating from the production and transportation phase, as well as our own operations. In order to measure our progress towards this goal, we are actively working with STICA, The Swedish Textile Initiative for Climate Action, for the purpose of tracking our carbon footprint today and per year.


Our products are made to last, and the more we can prolong the functional life of each garment, the less its impact on the environment will be. To do so, we will introduce circular offers that align with future consumer needs, such as letting athletes pass on old apparel when they elevate their game, or introducing options for renting garments for certain occasions. Our overall objective for 2030 is to have 20% of all garments rented, reused or resold within our ecosystem.


Making people move is at the core of what we do. We exist to inspire athletes on every level, at every age, to take active part in their personal health and well-being. Adding on to this, we think that empowering our employees at all levels is foundational to who we are and to make an impact in our world.


We strive to make better use of the earth’s resources to minimize our overall impact on the environment. To us, that means creating products that last and keep their functionality longer, made by sustainable methods with significantly lower environmental impact at the start of the product’s lifecycle.


We realize that true change comes from collaboration. To make a difference now and in the long run, we are active partners with a number of local and global sustainability initiatives, such as amfori BSCI, FLA, International Accord on Fire & Building Safety, Clean Shipping Index and STICA.

Partnerships and Associations


The Swedish Textile Initiative for Climate Action is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a roadmap and action plan for the Swedish apparel and textile industry with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions beyond the 1.5°C warming target.

amphora BSCI

An initiative of the Foreign Trade Association (FTA), the leading business association of European and international commerce that brings together over 1,500 retailers, importers, brands and national associations to improve the political and legal framework for trade in a sustainable way.

RISE Chemical Group

A network run and coordinated by RISE, The Swedish Research Institute, in collaboration with experts from universities and governmental bodies dedicated to sharing knowledge and findings to prevent the occurrence of unwanted chemicals in the production process.

Fair Label Association

A collaborative effort of universities, civil society organizations and companies dedicated to protecting workers’ rights around the world.

Clean Shipping Index

The Clean Shipping Index (CSI) is a non-profit organization offering a voluntary environmental label providing market incentives for clean shipping to achieve environmental progress in the shipping industry.

International Accord

The International Accord for Health and Safety in the Garment and Textile Industry is a binding contract with the purpose of increasing safety in the textile industry in Bangladesh and beyond. The contract stipulates regular electrical and building inspections, and mandatory training and education in fire safety.