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Today, 80% of a garment’s environmental impact originates in the production phase. In other words, there’s a lot to gain from making the beginning of the lifecycle a priority.

Daniel Högling, Product & Marketing Director


Full traceability for all products by 2025

Tier 2 suppliers included in auditing programs by 2023

Main suppliers (Tier 1 and 2) using renewable energy by 2030

100% renewable energy in our own operations by 2023

"We work together to demand more from the supply chain."

Our overall production objective is to secure a supply chain that is committed to work for a reduction of the climate impact of our industry, without compromising worker safety and well-being.

Today, our sourcing offices are located in China, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh close to suppliers, textile mills and production facilities throughout Asia. The day-to-day contact with the production chain makes it easier to ensure that our environmental requirements, based on the United Nations’ global goals for sustainability, are met by our suppliers. As a member of the amfori BSCI initiative, we also share reports and findings with thousands of other affiliated companies, and demand that every supplier submits to third-party audits and onsite inspections.

All of our suppliers must meet our Code of Conduct and be open to unexpected factory visits by independent observers at any time. Our goal is that 100% of our suppliers pass a valid third party audit with good grade. Today, the number is at 96%. To keep moving forward, we’ll extend the goal to include Tier 2 suppliers by 2025.

As production facilities consume a lot of energy, our goal is that our main suppliers use energy from renewable sources such as solar, wind, hydro and biomass by 2030. To reduce the need for long-distance transports, we have also set a goal to produce 50% of all garments closer to market by 2030. For our own operations, our goal is that all Craft offices use electricity from 100% renewable sources by 2023.