Every product that bears our name is meant to meet specific athletic needs in certain scenarios. But regardless of their intended use, they’re also made for an overall purpose - to inspire more people to adopt an active lifestyle. Making the world move, pushing overall health and wellbeing in a positive direction, is at the heart of our brand. Studies show that we need a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate activity per week to stay healthy. But according to the WHO, one in four adults and 81% of adolescents do not meet the minimum requirements for physical activity. As in- activity is one of the world’s major health hazards, strongly linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes and premature mortality, our contribution to the UN’s Global Goal no 3 is to keep doing what we’ve been doing since the start. Helping athletes on every level take active part in their personal health by crafting shoes, clothes and apparel that makes physical activity enjoyable in any weather, season and terrain.
Erica Persson, Sustainability Manager, Craft Sportswear